Blog Update!

Please Standby…

Thank you for stopping by. Please forgive the tumbleweed and sound of crickets around lately, I’m taking some time to go through this blog and revamp a few things. I know I promised to post more often, but to be honest I’ve been drawing a blank lately. Life the last few years has been rather dramatic & traumatic but not stuff I want to blog about, I’m trying to stop myself dwelling in negativity & rebuilding life from the ground up is tough, so I’m working on mental health a lot.

The goals I am working towards right now include:

  • Earning money
  • Becoming financially stable/comfortable
  • Paying off my credit card
  • Putting some money aside for a rainy day/having savings
  • Improve physical health (easier said than done)
  • Learning, travelling and experiencing more
  • Moving out or to a new town
  • Having more fun
  • Regaining a social life
  • All while finding interesting things to blog about

So…The Blog…

I need to get back on the horse! There are some unfinished blog posts I need to update and get posted, but I am currently researching fun topics to post. I am also trying to make interesting plans for summer, so that I can take pretty photos and make contact with other human beings. I need a social life! And to find an interesting and affordable hobby to keep me sane while slaving away in retail, paying off debts. Are there university-like societies in the real world?

I apologise for putting this blog on the side lines for the last few years, but life got in the way.  Hopefully summer will spark up some inspiration. I’m in the process of making lots of changes and life decisions, so I thank you for stopping by and continuing to check in. It is very much appreciated! x



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