Snow Day at Uni 2017

Sunday, Snow Day! – 10th December 2017

Early one Sunday morning, after yet another insomnia fuelled sleepless night, I decided a fry up was in order to satiate this grumpy old bear. (Any excuse!)? Like an excited child, I rushed outside to see that uni had become a gorgeous snow covered, winter wonderland. Please take a look at some of the lovely photos I was able to take. I love capturing moments to remember, so to be awake early enough to see the snow in all its glory was a lovely experience. Despite landing on my backside three times before making it to breakfast! ?

It was totally worth it!

Breakfast actually did help me have a lovely long sleep, wrapped up cosy and warm like a human burrito. ? This term has been extremely stressful, so it was great to see other students taking a break from essays and revision, to act like excited kids and enjoy themselves. It was a brief moment of relief from work overload, and a wonderful moment in the last weekend of term.

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