Memory Loss & the Absence of Feeling

Memory Loss & the Absence of Feeling

I’m Struggling:

  • Mentally
  • Physically
  • I would say emotionally, but my (SNRI) antidepressants have killed my ability feel ANYTHING, stone dead! So that’s a thing! ? Bah! Who needs pesky feelings and emotions anyway!? ?


Short-term memory loss issues have been a problem and major concern for the last few months, being particularly stressful as far as completing my HISTORY degree!! Thus contributing to my decision to take a break from uni. Memory is kind of a big deal when you’re studying THE PAST, and taking exams! ?

But when you reach a point where you’re forgetting the names of friends you see on a daily basis and your thoughts mid-sentence, let alone why you walked into rooms or what you just read by the time you reach the end of the paragraph… Well, I don’t particularly want to go into how scared I was for a while there, but I think I have found the main culprit and the situation is definitely improving. was told that memory issues could simply be part of depression, but reducing my medication has proven the drastic memory loss to be a side effect of the drug, and that this medication is causing me more harm than good! I am in the process of very slowly quitting, as this particular medication is known for nasty withdrawal and brain f**kery, so it’s going to take time and further discussions with the doctor.

I’d like to point out that different drugs affect people in different ways. Just because I had a bad reaction, doesn’t mean it’s bad for everyone. I’m not going to name which one I’m on because I’ve heard that it is a helpful medication for many others and I don’t want to put anyone off. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t suit me.

Health (Or Lack Thereof)

I’ve been ill lately. Symptoms include: Exhaustion, shortness of breath, screwed up sleep, depression, high blood pressure, ringing in my ears, sore tongue, paler than normal, feeling like death, as well as the whole short-term memory f**k thing. 

A blood test found I have a folate deficiency/anaemia (again!) On top of the vitamin D deficiency I’m already prescribed pills for. Woo! More pills! ? Energy and oxygenated red blood cells AWOL, please return to sender. I’m physically screwed without them! ?

I do try to eat a balanced diet vitamin-wise, but I am overweight and don’t exercise regularly. Guilty as charged! I’m trying to make improvements and healthier life choices, but I guess years of abuse makes it difficult for a body to work at optimum nutrient processing efficiency. I know I’ve got a lot of grovelling and making up to do before my body and I work well together as a team.

Depression and the Dangers of Being Numb

I didn’t realise at first, I thought I was just tired, bored or lacking motivation. My medication has left me so emotionally numb, that I have not been recognising negative thoughts and behaviours as harmful, because I have not been FEELING negative or painful emotions. Nothing emotionally telling me to stop or recognise a problem. It actually took a concerned loved one pointing out that I am a textbook case of major depression for me to realise.

Just because I don’t FEEL sad, doesn’t mean it is acceptable to ignore all the other red flags, deny I am in trouble or stop taking care of myself. I guess my medication is suppressing my emotions in an attempt to help, antidepressants are supposed to stop you FEELING depressed after all. It’s just that other types have never stopped me feeling ANYTHING AT ALL! Masking the warning signs will not prevent a bomb going off, you need some sign. Being incapable of functioning, yet not feeling miserable is confusing. Telling people I’m fine, telling myself I’m fine, but realising:

  • I haven’t left the house in 3 weeks
  • I’ve been living in pj’s
  • My room is a mess
  • I look and feel ill
  • I’ve been avoiding social contact
  • The shower has become a necessary punishment, rather than pleasant experience
  • Getting sick and nutrient deprived through lack of “self care”
  • I avoid the mirror
  • I’ve become obsessed with the fact I’m the size of a hippo and the fear I’ll never be anything but a mess
  • I duck, dodge and dive compliments and have been feeding my own self loathing
  • Being overwhelmed by the sole desire to just sleep forever…

Well it seems rather odd not to have noticed a problem when you think about it! Some of the clues have been rather glaring when I talk to family. I believe the medication to have played a massive part in all my recent problems, and hope it is something that can be resolved soon. Human beings need feelings, emotions, reason, drive, and ambition to function! I need them to get me out of bed, otherwise what’s the point? It’s strange to realise that feeling numb to everything can actually be extremely harmful. That if I don’t feel, I don’t care! If I feel nothing, I have no driving force, no rhyme or reason. If I do nothing and let the depression swallow me, what does it matter? I don’t FEEL anything, so I DON’T CARE!! 

I know I’ll be back and stronger than ever soon, I always come back fighting! But right now even leaving my bed is mentally and physically exhausting. It could be my health, brain or both. But I’m not currently able to just get up and moving, and I feel incredibly guilty and ashamed about it.

What Now?

  • I need to work on my internal health and mind before I can get active. 
  • To concentrate on repairing the damage and moving forward.
  • I need a daily routine.
  • I want to get back into the habit of writing again if I’m going back to uni. Especially considering I have a sieve for a brain. Writing this has been cathartic.
  • I will continue to read patronising “self care” fad books in the pursuit of a magical answer to all of life’s woes. You never know, it could happen. Plus I have a blog idea…
  • Organise a plan of action.
  • Focus on diet and exercise safely, without setting myself up to fail.
  • Get in contact with the appropriate people to get a medication change and make sure I have a support system in place before I return to university.
  • Try to see friends more.

Declutter & Minimalising: Paperwork

Declutter & Minimalising: Paperwork

It’s amazing the amount of paperwork I have gained over the years! Mostly through fear of hearing my dad yell: “Don’t shred that! You’ll need it one day! They make you prove everything!” Referring to his firm belief (conspiracy theory) that the government will hunt you down and expect ten years of bank statements should you put one foot out of line. I’ve reached a stage where my tiny shoe box size bedroom is buried under paperwork and unnecessary junk. The minimalist approach to the amount of things I own will provide me with more freedom.

Following the latest move I decided I’m tired of moving files, folders and bags of paperwork around, it’s time to minimise! Especially now that forest worth of paper includes college and uni work, printouts and readings that are no longer of any use to me, or can be digitised.

5 Black Rubbish Bags of Shredding So Far…

I was surprised by the wonders and horrors I found, once I started going through various bags, boxes and prying open my dented old pink filing cabinet! (Modern filing cabinets look strong, but don’t stand on them). *cough* Yes, I’m an idiot! *cough* I misjudged it’s durability when trying to reach something, and now the top sinks in the middle and the drawer doesn’t shut properly. Every time I forget and put my cup down, I have to chase it before it slides off the top. ?

My discoveries included:

  • A time sheet for a temp job I didn’t have from 2003. It’s now 2018!
  • A letter dating back to 1984, from Heinz baby food, apologising for the piece of serrated plastic my mum found in my mouth while eating their products. (I’m not getting rid of this!) I choose to believe this was indeed accidental as they claimed, but only 5 years later, the same company were involved in a baby food tampering scandal that involved sickos deliberately putting glass, razor blades and pins in jars of baby food! So I consider myself lucky it wasn’t worse! (Look up 1980’s, glass in baby food!) Luckily for me, my mum watched me like a hawk and has awesome reaction skills! 
  • I also found pretty much every payslip from monthly and fortnightly jobs since I was 18! I’m now 35!
  • Bank and credit card statements for various different accounts since school. (But every time I think of going paperless, someone insists on seeing a statement or bill as proof of I.D.) Also, with the P.P.I. phone bombardment at the moment, it was useful to be able to check back ten years without paying someone else to.
  • Stock take instructions for jobs I no longer have
  • Work training manuals 
  • Birthday, Xmas cards and postcards.
  • Basically… My entire documented life!

How to Decide What to Get Rid of:

I am a sentimental old soul, so parting with things is always difficult. Especially as I come from a family of hoarders. But sometimes you just need to be brutal, for your own good. The clutter in my house means there’s not enough room for me to live comfortably, so its time for change! Below is a list of how I decided what to keep and what to shred.

  • Is it an important document? Put it safely in a folder or safe zone, far away from anything you are going to shred or dispose of.
  • Do you have multiple copies?
  • Can it be scanned and digitised?
  • How old is it? Is it out of date or no longer relevant?
  • Is it interesting? Something you want to hang on to for nostalgia or to pass on to someone else?
  • Is it useful?
  • Could it be useful to someone else? E.g. Old uni notes you can give away.
  • Be sensible about what you throw away forever. If you need to type up or scan a copy on to the computer for peace of mind, do it! Better taking the time, than regret! 

The Benefits of Clearing the Clutter

I’ve successfully cleared an entire drawer in my filing cabinet, some storage boxes and made more space in my room to unpack other belongings, which will either be more useful or also need sorting and whittling down to essentials.

Shredding can actually be quite liberating and very addictive, so be sure about what you are getting rid of forever, you can get carried away! I found it quite freeing to get rid of old paperwork from jobs, people and memories that negatively impacted me, caused me stress or had not been a positive influence on my life. I’ve been dragging around these bags and boxes of old memories, afraid to let them go “just in case”. “What if I need them one day?” This physical baggage has become mental baggage that needs to go! I need to relax and let go of anything that isn’t serving me positively.

Also, recycling is good for the environment! ??♻?

What’s Left?

I want to move forward to a happier, less stressful and easier life. As long as I keep important documents like I.D, any medical records, receipts for big purchases, warranties and P60’s etc. Anything sensible that may genuinely be required at a later date, I don’t need to hang on to old training manuals, or every memo and notice I ever wrote during my time as a supervisor. I even still had the contact details and account numbers for the food suppliers we used at my first cinema when I was a stock controller! That cinema was bought out twelve years ago and no longer exists! Why am I hanging on to things that serve me no purpose, bring me no joy, and are taking up room which is currently affecting my quality of life, as I am forever surrounded by bags of junk and memories of stress?

Decluttering and freeing up space, is freeing me mentally and physically. I feel better knowing I am letting go of objects from my past that don’t make me happy and feel like extra weight I’m carrying for no real reason (especially when moving house so often!) I need to learn to be less materialistic and attached to things. To live in the moment, taking photos, writing online and spending time with people I care about, instead of burying myself in things.

Jeffree Star Liquid Lipsticks

I have a confession, I have an addiction. Look at these beauties, my Jeffree Star Liquid Lipsticks collection. They are so beautiful!

As you can see I have: Human Nature, Gemini, Hunty, Daddy, Deceased, Family Jewels, Androgyny, No Tea No Shade & Delicious. I also have the Mini Velour Liquid Lipstick Nudes – Volume One.

As I live in the UK, all my Jeffree Star makeup comes from the lovely Beauty Bay!

Beauty Bay – Jeffree Star

Jeffree Star’s Official Website

Photography & Fire Juggling Society Night! Fire Photography!

Fire Dancing Adventures with the Photography Society!

1 great night, the Photography Society decided to join forces with the Fire Juggling Society, to learn how to use long exposures. I have not yet mastered the high speed, split second capture needed for fire photography, but long exposures are fun. I’m learning to use a Canon 1300D DSLR.

Fire Photography:

A Beautiful Lie…

[Song begins at 1.22 if you are just here for the music]

Do you have a song you love that resonates with such significance it has the power to move you to tears? *Cough* No, me neither! ? Shut up! No, you’re crying! *sniffles* ???

Thirty Seconds to Mars – A Beautiful Lie

Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
Cause this is just a game

It’s a beautiful lie
It’s a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me

It’s time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don’t ask too much just say
Cause this is just a game

It’s a beautiful lie
It’s a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me


Everyone’s looking at me
I’m running around in circles
A quiet desperation’s
Building higher
I’ve got to remember this is just a game

So beautiful, beautiful
(Lie! Lie!)
So beautiful, beautiful
(Lie! Lie!)

It’s a beautiful lie
It’s a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me

Sleep is for the Weak… I’m Weak!!

The 2nd year of uni is HARD!! No sh*! Sherlock!! ?

Last term did not go well, and despite my optimism coming back after Xmas, the first week back has been a struggle. I am not ashamed to admit that I am 1 in 4 people in Britain that deals with mental health issues including; depression, anxiety and PTSD. As I’m sure you can imagine, this makes being a 35 year old at university and juggling adult responsibilities, extremely tough sometimes! Right now I’m beyond exhausted thanks to a medication change and my good old friend insomnia, I barely even know if I want to be here at uni anymore. Zombie autopilot is my permanent state right now. I keep hearing, “sleep is for the weak!” But I’m 35! Damn it, grandma here can’t survive on 3 hour daytime naps and no sleep at night! I’m not 18 anymore! ?

I have to see a uni counsellor every week now, mostly because I keep threatening to quit, go home & get a real job. Apparently they consider me worth saving, ie: worth money to the uni. Today she took 1 look at me & said;

“I can see you’ve only had 2 hours sleep! Resetting your sleeping pattern hasn’t gone well this week?”

Me: “Nope! I’m existing on 2 hour naps randomly throughout the day/week, I’m dead inside!”


She believes sleep (only at night!) is the answer to all my problems. I’ve had the “sleep hygiene” talk again, which is about being conscious of your nightly habits when winding down, and actually not as creepy as it sounds. ? She also suggested listening to classical music like Bach & Mozart instead of leaving the TV sound on low (screen off). I haven’t listened to classical music since I was a child playing flute & violin. We’ve only met twice, but this woman gets me, my odd self-deprecating humour & self sabotaging habits.

It’s nice to have someone tell you that you’re not an idiot. That stupid people don’t get 1sts, especially stupid people with dyslexia & dyspraxia. That my self loathing is the problem, not my mental ability. That my soup strainer memory is likely due to exhaustion, not being thick. It’s nice to have someone tell you that after a couple of hours chatting, their impression of you is of someone bright & intelligent, when all I see is a stupid, forgetful, clumsy, exhausted mess.

Medication Change

I’ve recently switched medications after spending 7-ish years bouncing from one (SSRI) anti-depressant to another, trying to find something that helps improve my mood and ability to function, while not causing more problems with side affects. I’ve now switched to (SNRI) anti-depressants which is new for me. The transition period between two medications can come with side affects and odd things you notice, so I decided to try to explain to the counsellor what the past week has been like for me.

It’s really difficult to explain (especially to a former art teacher) what it feels like to feel creatively dead inside. I tried to explain in a blog a while ago **HERE** what it’s like to feel like you have no imagination. To not be able to dream when you sleep, only to have nightmares that are all too real. Never having any creative, new imaginative thought processes. Or what its like to become ridiculously frustrated by the inability to express yourself. To feel like you have no personality unless you are drunk. I’ve always said I’m a great production line robot, but don’t expect me to do anything unique & exciting. How do you explain to an artist what it’s like to pick up a brush & feel nothing? Empty!

Much to my surprise, there’s been a massive change and improvement in my mental health!

It’s even more difficult to communicate the feeling of the extreme sensory overload and the creative rush & excitement of my imagination returning.

Not only am I dreaming again, but my dreams are so vivid right now, I keep waking myself up talking in my sleep because they are so real! (Hope that stops *lol*) Do you know what it’s like to have the passion of music taken away from you for years, barely feeling anything? …Then suddenly laying awake at night imagining & planning what a music video would be like for each song you can’t help but keep playing on loop, just like you did when you were a child, because suddenly music invokes feelings & emotions again?? The excitement is both amazing & overwhelming, so many thoughts! Too many thoughts to sleep, I’m so tired. I’ve felt like a part of me died a long time ago & I couldn’t place when. To suddenly have that piece of yourself gifted back to you, encompassed in so many exciting feelings, emotions & memories of how you used to feel is incredible!

I have always been an advocate of medication if other methods of therapy haven’t worked, but it is so important to find the right medication for you! 1 that still allows you to hang on to your strengths & personality, yet function & drag your ass out of bed without wanting to burst into tears & give up. I’ve discovered a problem I didn’t know I had. That feeling of emptiness… Turns out I’m not dead inside, I just spent too many years with a strong important part of my personality suppressed in a way I thought was meant to be helping. I didn’t understand why I felt so empty & unable to be who I once was.

Going Forward

Now the noradrenaline in my brain is being tickled & stimulated, I’m overwhelmed by the return of a crazy, loud, idea filled mind that’s so busy I don’t even know where to start!

Of course it takes 4-6 weeks for a medication to fully integrate into your system & level out, so this excitement could all disappear again as fast as it came. To be honest I do hope it calms down a bit, having celebration fireworks constantly going off in your brain is exhausting! I’m torn between the need to sleep, being bored stupid by uni work & desperately wanting to enjoy feeling like my excited, childish old self again while I can, before it wears off. I’m so tired! I want, NEED to regain control of my mental health so that I can decide what I want to do with my future, be it at uni, or moving on to a new challenge.

The counsellor was almost as excited as I am about this return of creativity, saying it’s an essential part of the soul & being able to express myself in some way will be incredibly beneficial to me. But she also says all answers lie in sleep. That the ability to dream is key to mentally processing thoughts, both positive & negative & will be good for me.

I’m supposed to keep myself awake until tonight, but I’m so tired. Reset tomorrow! This past week has been too much for my poor strained old noodle. I’m too tired. I’m going to bed, got to find some classical music on Spotify or YouTube. I’ll stay awake tomorrow. Hopefully… I miss functioning in daylight.

Snow Day at Uni 2017

Sunday, Snow Day! – 10th December 2017

Early one Sunday morning, after yet another insomnia fuelled sleepless night, I decided a fry up was in order to satiate this grumpy old bear. (Any excuse!)? Like an excited child, I rushed outside to see that uni had become a gorgeous snow covered, winter wonderland. Please take a look at some of the lovely photos I was able to take. I love capturing moments to remember, so to be awake early enough to see the snow in all its glory was a lovely experience. Despite landing on my backside three times before making it to breakfast! ?

It was totally worth it!

Breakfast actually did help me have a lovely long sleep, wrapped up cosy and warm like a human burrito. ? This term has been extremely stressful, so it was great to see other students taking a break from essays and revision, to act like excited kids and enjoy themselves. It was a brief moment of relief from work overload, and a wonderful moment in the last weekend of term.

Social Repose – Emperor’s New Clothes, by Panic! at the Disco

Social Repose – Emperor’s New Clothes, by Panic! at the Disco!

Social Repose has released another impressive solo acapella cover, with an interesting new video to boot! Completely sung, filmed, edited and produced himself, ? I can’t get this song off my mind. He has done many impressive solo loop covers, so please check them out, especially the Panic! at the Disco covers.

External link: